The World Of Dating For The Modern Elite Man And Woman

The World Of Dating For The Modern Elite Man And Woman

The World Of Dating For The Modern Elite Man And Woman

Dating in the modern world has changed drastically in some certain areas recently. In today’s busy modern world there is much emphasis on building one’s career and this is especially important for people who are in the prestigious elite bracket of society. People like academics, business people, and other professionals. Building a successful career and being the best at what we do is something that is important to us.

This means that a significant chunk of your time is going to be devoted towards building up your career and often this comes at the expense of your dating life. These kinds of demands mean that there has been many changes in the world of modern dating, and this is partly where online dating comes in. Online dating is something that has grown incredibly popular in the last decade. It’s easy for busy people to get sucked into it trying to balance the demands of a hectic lifestyle.

However, for the elite man and woman there is the demand for something more than online dating. Something that will prove to give you the results you want from your dating experience. There is no need to give up time working on your busy career, something that matters to you, just to get your dating life back on track either. You may be so busy all the time but still wonder if life could be more special, you feel like something is missing.

The reality for the elite modern man and woman is that the dating world can be tough especially with a thriving career to focus on. The demands are tougher for the elite because you demand more and you live a certain lifestyle with unique demands. You may demand the finest and the only way to guarantee you’ll find the kind of partner you want is by looking in the places where they already are. That is why personal introductions for the elite singles in society makes so much more sense than online dating.

This is the tough world that the elite single in the modern world face. You demand exceptional life partners, demand the best, and don’t have time for anything less than the best. That goes for dating and work. The great news is that Searchmates can help you have both by taking care of your dating life for you so you will only meet people who are just like you, in the elite bracket of society.

Confusing times of modern dating

Confusing times of modern dating

Do you long for the times when you were just ‘Going out’?

Do you look back (no doubt through rose tinted glasses and with a heavy film of perfumed nostalgia over your lenses) to those simple pre-1980’s days of ‘going out’ with someone? Few of us would introduce someone then as our partner (unless of course we were in a professional relationship of some kind) and the terms of ‘boyfriend’, ‘girlfriend’ or occasionally ‘significant other ‘were far more the norm that is now known in modern dating.

In this pre big bang world the terra firma of the dating field felt reasonably solid beneath ones feet. After three dates we might reasonably assume we were by then ‘an item’ and the lady was quite entitled to ask the man when they were next meeting up and to expect a definite answer rather than a maybe, pencilled in sort of arrangement. Not having the option of texting meant real conversations and  better rather than worse communication. ‘I’ll call you’ was less used as a way of saying ‘I probably won’t call you’ and Glen Close had yet to wreak havoc and take out her feelings on pet rabbits, so the idea of the crazed man hunting woman had  yet to take quite such a firm grip on the single male psyche.

Much as we can look back to those simple halcyon days, we need to recognise that things have changed and today it can be less clear when we are really in a relationship. Is he or she seeing us exclusively or are we still just one of several options being thoroughly explored and is it OK to ask? Are there modern dating rules which we need to understand?

Courtship, as it was traditionally viewed, is becoming more blurred, less defined. Rebecca Holman writing in The Telegraph says that her generation does not know how to date and it is not just the men being ‘feckless’ – such a lackadaisical modus operandi has caught on amongst the ladies. If you would like to read her article here’s the link:

Some really lovely people come to Searchmate every week and they want to find a real partner. They want courtship, romance and if it is the right person, then commitment. It is something men and women still want at heart and because our introductions are to genuine, attractive people with this in mind and offered one at a time, it seems to work.

We always advise honesty between our clients as well as courtesy and due consideration – factors that work in building a successful and lasting relationship whether you meet the right one through us or through other means.

So if you are looking for a real, lasting relationship with one wonderful ‘significant other’ then speak to us soon about how we might help make that happen for you.