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Are you a Silver Separator?

Yet again I have read recently in press articles about the growing phenomenon of the ‘Silver Separators’ – a continuing trend we are seeing of surging divorce rates amongst the more affluent over sixties. Even though divorce rates are falling in the UK, divorce for the over sixties continues to soar, up by 58% on last year, according to the Daily Mail. It seems that people are no longer prepared to put up with a relationship that doesn’t work any longer or function properly.

Today divorce has lost much of its’ stigma and this age group and social demographic are fitter and far more active than ever before. The over 60’s are increasingly not at all ready to resign themselves to growing old, nor to putting up with something that makes the quality of their lives poorer, when they could be looking forward to a more fulfilling way of living in the years left ahead. There is obviously a greater lust for life that continues well into retirement years, with the concept of an active and interesting retirement an increasingly realistic expectation.

Today’s over 60’s are often free from the more intense demands that a fledgling career can make on those of us still in early adult life, as well as free from all the pressures of raising of children and paying a mortgage. Surveys indicate that finances are in the best order that they have ever been for this group. This all explains why we are seeing so many attractive, energetic and forward looking people over sixty joining us every week in the last year or so who want to live life to the full with a partner with whom they could share a warm and loving relationship.

So if you are over sixty and feel that you are ready to find a new, like-minded partner, why not call us today in complete confidence to hear how we could be of help. We could introduce you to the perfect person who would make the life ahead of you really complete and the years to come a fulfilling and exciting phase of your life.

Our phone number is free from land lines and we’re on 0800 466 4160. If we aren’t around (out of office hours) then please do leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our client list of attractive and interesting people over sixty is really quite extensive, so do make that call.

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