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Dating Success Stories

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Success Stories – So What Is the Searchmate Secret?

We’ve been in the industry for a long time now, since our launch in 1998, and are one of the most respected names in the the personal introductions space. Over the years, we have generated unprecedented success stories for clients just like you, who have entrusted their future happiness to us.

Our professional matchmakers are experts in their own right and are dedicated to working on behalf of clients to bring that ideal partner into your life – and when it happens, the results can be amazing. For us, achieving a happy ending and perfect match is our passion, but what is our secret?

To be transparent, our success over the years has been down to two things:

  1. Hard work, attention to detail, in-depth profiles, and a determination to succeed on behalf of our clients.
  2. Plus, access to what is now the largest privately owned database of personal matchmaking clients in the UK.

Take a look at just a few of the many happy couples that our private dating agency has helped to create. If it works for them, it can work for you too.

romantic couple enjoying in moments of happiness
picture of couple from our success stories
Julie and Jonathon from Surrey

Julie and Jonathon from Surrey.

Julie, a hard-working lawyer of 40, received 4 introductions before meeting Jonathon through Searchmate, and he proved to be the man for her. The irony is that she nearly didn’t meet him because he had a child, and she was hoping to find a man who had not yet started a family. We thought that he was in all other respects just what she was looking for. He lived just 9 miles away from her and he was open to having more children, so the introduction was offered. With a reserved ‘yes’ from Julie, contact details were exchanged. They hit it off wonderfully well and after date number 2, they were already talking about the future. She told us, “It has been nothing short of amazing ever since our first phone conversation” and that she “could not believe just how perfect he was”. This was only Jonathon’s second introduction – the first not going beyond a chat on the phone. They plan to marry later this year.

picture of couple from our success stories
Rosa and Mark from Yorkshire

Rosa and Mark from Yorkshire.

We could not fail to notice just how attractive Rosa was when we met her, and Mark had been described by a lady previously introduced to him, as “utterly adorable”. When interviewed, they both came across as genuinely nice people – warm, friendly, considerate, open-minded and optimistic. Mark wasn’t as interested in sports as Rosa, but they seemed very much on the same wavelength. She was happy and settled in her nursing career and he had a good job in marketing. Rosa was a new joiner for Searchmate and Mark had received a number of matches from us, having been on our books for around 9 months by then. Their first date went really well, and they were soon both in touch with us, asking to put their memberships on hold for the time being. Things progressed so well that after sharing a romantic holiday together in Cuba six months after meeting, they let us know their exciting news that they were getting engaged. The couple married last year. They hope to have children but are waiting to start a family as they are still relatively young, in their early thirties.

picture of couple from our success stories
Stuart and Penny from London

Stuart and Penny from London.

Both in their sixties, they had active social lives, independent lifestyles, and very similar backgrounds. Stuart had asked for a woman he “could cherish – someone feminine, not barking mad, and good fun”. Penny made it clear that personality was the most important thing for her and that a man should have a good heart, a great sense of humour and appreciate the simple things in life such as laughter, sunny days and good friends. These two hit it off from the start and after some time seeing each other, they took the plunge and moved in together. When we last contacted them, Penny told us all was wonderful, but Stuart was too busy to come to the phone as he was “up to his ears in the kitchen, making food for a party”. Both Penny and Stuart had been with us for over six months when they were introduced to each other, and we are delighted with the outcome.

picture of couple from our success stories
Clarissa and Max from Cheshire

Clarissa and Max from Cheshire.

In her early 40s, Clarissa was a fitness instructor – very pretty with long blond hair, and our interviewer described her as “oozing warmth, energy and kindness”. She was a laid-back lady looking to meet a man on a par with herself who would have time and energy to invest in a relationship. We found Max for her – a 51-year-old man who said he is “always on the go”, and the photos he supplied certainly backed that up – lots of water-skiing, mountain biking and other outdoor pursuits. He ran his own very successful company and was able to work flexible hours. The two of them were instantly attracted to each other when they met and after several dates decided that they wanted to introduce each other to their respective children. This went pretty smoothly, and things moved along very well. They plan to move into a lovely new home together during the summer holidays.

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