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Dating Advice: The Number One Thing Couples Fight About The Most

Dating Advice: The Number One Thing Couples Fight About The Most

What do you think the number one thing couples fight about the most is?

If you said money then you are correct. Money is often the biggest cause of a fight amongst couples. It makes sense because money in our world is such a big part of our lives, especially for the elite members of society.

Your financial net worth is important as is the nest egg you’ve been working toward for your entire life so it makes sense that you’d want to be matched with someone who is in a similar, if not, better financial position than you. This way you will minimise chances that you will fight about money so you can spend more time actually enjoying your relationship.

Some of the things many couples tend to fight about involving money are savings and unexpected expenses. When you are in a committed relationship with someone, your financial responsibilities need to be shared so it’s important to have some ground rules established this is sound dating advice.

Some simple ground rules to minimise any conflict could be around topics such as who will pay the bill when out on a date. It could be from things such as how you are going to spend your money together. So for example, you may want to look at household expenses and then come to an agreement. Maybe one of you will pay the utilities bills this time and the next time they come in, your partner can.

It’s best to talk about money openly with your partner so you can establish these ground rules otherwise people can end up with misconceptions, and this leads to conflict. By establishing some ground rules you minimise the chances for any conflict surrounding money.

Money plays an important part of our lives but you shouldn’t fight with your partner about it. Establish ground rules and date people who are of a similar financial net worth to you and you will reduce the chances for conflict and don’t be afraid of seeking dating advice.

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