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Does He Love Me? Does He Not?

Does he love me, does he not?

Does he love me? Does he not?

What are those killer signs that a man is falling in love within a relationship? What does he do and what does he begin to do differently, if this is the real thing and he is falling for you? Here at Searchmate we take an in depth look at does he love me? Does he not? And those little tell-tale signs that a man is changing his behaviour and beginning to fall in love.

He texts you first

This little gesture is so important to a woman but is something that men often forget to do if they’re busy. He wants to get to the office early and so doesn’t always have time to stop off and say good morning to you. When you start to regularly get that first text however, it’s a sign that things are changing and that his feelings for you may well be becoming more serious too!

He wants to introduce you to family and friends

This really is a big step for a man, his friends and what they think of him is a very big consideration, he worries about his macho image and his ‘street cred’, so if he thinks enough of you to overcome these fears then this relationship could well be going somewhere. Likewise with his family – if he is willing to introduce you to mom and dad, his siblings or his children, it’s a wonderful sign that he is falling for you.

You detect a little jealousy

We feel it is a good sign if in certain situations you can detect that he feels a little jealousy. Nothing too intense and dramatic, just a smidgeon maybe, but if it’s there then perhaps he is beginning to feel quite intense about you and love could be blossoming.

He talks about the future

Men are not always good at planning ahead, so if he talks of the future, wanting to plan a holiday together or how you both might be 5 or 10 years down the line – it’s a tremendous positive, that you’re being included in his plans or that he’d at least like to. This relationship looks like it is developing legs!

He is protective towards you

If you’re out with friends or are driving home from work late into the evening, with no plans to see each other, it’s a great sign that he wants to make sure that you’re home safely. So if you get that late night text or phone call just checking that you’re back safely, it’s a sure sign he has feelings.

So are you getting the right vibes? Is he or she the one? Well we hope so, if not and you’re searching for that special partner, give us a ring on at our expense on 0800 644 4160, we are open 9am until 9pm everyday.

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