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Successful Dating for Attractive Professionals

Creating Happy Couples Like James and Helen

A guide to successful dating for attractive professionals

A lovely man I shall call James (to respect his privacy) joined us as a client last autumn. We were absolutely delighted to offer him a membership as we knew from our experience, that the outcome for him through our services was so likely to be very good. He was in his early fifties, a graduate, tall, attractive, professional and above all, a really nice, genuine guy.

Like many of those who decide to join us, James had first tried internet dating. For him there had been no particularly horrendous experiences but a lot of his time had gone by and he was still single. He had viewed numerous profiles, (too many to count), and exchanged strings of messages with ladies who either turned out to be completely unsuitable or who looked initially quite promising but then for some reason disappeared into the ether of cyberspace.

James’ experience with online dating was not at all uncommon. He did meet some women but he was often surprised and very disappointed at how much they did not match their posted photo, (unfortunately they usually looked somewhat older and considerably heavier) and how often the date dragged on with no stimulating conversation to enjoy. He didn’t like to abandon a lady after initial impressions revealed they were never going to be a couple so he looked back on several evenings he would far sooner not have experienced.

James wanted only high quality introductions from us to meet likeminded, attractive, stimulating women who like himself, were genuinely looking for a warm and lasting relationship. We had lots of possible matches from which to select some very good introductions for him. That being the case we were delighted but not really surprised to hear that he and one of the ladies, we can call her Helen, who we had matched him with were still seeing each other. He emailed us over this weekend to say, ‘since we met in December we have been seeing each other continuously so you might say things have taken off! Without tempting fate, I think you can keep my file filed away!! Best wishes …’

We always love to hear from the many happy couples that we help to create.

If you feel you are a similar man to James then call us today and let us help you to find a wonderful future partner.

Or if you are a woman looking for the right man, call us too – we have lots of good calibre nice men joining every week, one of whom could be your perfect future match.

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