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Finding your ideal Partner

These days just about everyone who joins Searchmate tells us that they are very young for their age and they want to meet a similarly youthful person to themselves. Men in particular may expect to meet women five years or more younger than themselves and of course there may be women we can suggest for them that are a little younger. But is it really essential that we are in a relationship with the ages set at what we may perceive to be the perfect gap to be the ideal partner? Indeed, is there really a perfect gap in ages or can we find someone fabulous, an ideal partner who happens to be very close to our age or maybe a little older?

In today’s world where many of us take greater care of ourselves and look so much younger than our parents’ generation did at the same age maybe we need to focus more on what just feels ‘the right match’.

We could be really delighted with someone that has the same youthful outlook as ourselves, the same energy levels and maybe if close in age to us, similar life experiences and hopes and dreams for the future.

It is an old adage that age is just a number but so often in finding the one, it is worth remembering that it is true. When it comes to finding someone that sets our pulse racing, age is just a number after all.

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