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Find Love in 2017 by Giving Great Gratitude

For those hoping to attract love in 2017, the simple practice of giving gratitude could boost your desirability to others by around 25 per cent. This fact was reported by one of the world’s most respected experts on gratitude, Robert Emmons, phD, in his book “Thanks! How The New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier” Let’s look at how you can find love in 2017 by giving great gratitude.

People who regularly give gratitude experience increased levels of positive emotions. They sleep better. Express more compassion and kindness. Feel more alive. We don’t need science to tell us that these are the kind of people others love to be around.

The key to giving good gratitude is remembering to be thankful for life’s small blessings. Momentous occasions are wonderful, but it’s by noticing the little details that we really bring change. Sharing a smile with a stranger. Sipping a Gingerbread latte on the way to work. Waking up to sunshine streaming through the blinds.

Keeping a Gratitude Journal:

By taking the simple measure of keeping a Gratitude Journal, it’s possible to significantly raise our levels of happiness and well being. Notice the small details of each day that made you smile. Note them down.

Making a Gratitude Jar:

Write special moments on tiny pieces of paper and fold them into a Gratitude Jar. Next New Year’s Eve, pour out the jar and look back on all of those lovely memories.

Write a Gratitude Letter:

Let the people you love know how much you mean to them. Write down the little things they do that make such a difference to your life. Use good old fashioned paper and ink. Create a timeless memory of your appreciation.

365 Thank You Notes:

In her blog Daring To Live Fully ,Marelisa Fabrega writes about a man named John Kralik. Kralik made a New Year’s resolution to write 365 thank you notes, one for each day of the year. He spent an entire year thanking the people in his life – from his daughter’s teacher, to his coffee barista. By the close of the year, Kralik felt that his life had been transformed.

You really can find love in 2017 by giving great gratitude!

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