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Managing Expectations When Looking For Love

Managing Expectations When Looking For Love

If you are ready to meet a great partner then it’s important you set some realistic expectations because many people tend to have unrealistic expectations when looking for a great partner. The problem is that these unrealistic expectations can have a dramatic impact on your ability to find a great partner. What’s worse is that you may not even realise they are having such a negative impact on your search for a great partner.

There are few things to keep in mind to help you manage your expectations when looking for a partner:

  1. Don’t make this the sole focus of your life – It’s important you focus on living a great, healthy lifestyle. When you make looking for a partner the sole focus of your life it comes across as desperate. Focusing on other areas of your life is also crucial for maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and this is also more attractive to the opposite sex.
  2. First impressions don’t always matter – You may meet someone with this preconceived idea in your mind about them. Then you meet them and the reality is drastically different. However, keep this in check because first impressions don’t always matter and they could be an amazing person.
  3. There is no such thing as perfect – Although we would like a perfect partner they don’t exist. You are also not perfect so it’s important to make sure that you don’t have such an unrealistic expectation about anyone you date.
  4. Take things slowly – Develop the intimacy with whomever you are dating. The more intimacy you develop then the better the relationship will be in the long term.

These are a few of the most important expectations to manage when looking for a new partner. Going out and meeting new people is exciting but you need to be realistic about what you want, and the people you are meeting to have any realistic chance of meeting a great partner.

This way you will be far more likely to meet someone you will be compatible with.

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