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My date was married

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He was married and only wanted a fling – that’s what Jo Elliott has found so many times now and it has inspired her to write a book chronicling her experiences with online dating ‘I’m celibate – get me out of here’ has recently been published and was featured this week in the Daily Mail by journalist Clare Goldwin. It’s a really good read too.

Jo Elliott is aged 42 and successful, she is a high flyer in the advertising world, she has a brilliant social life, she is attractive and a good catch for any man but she remains single and without a man or children. And that’s the way it has been now for over 12 years.

Jo could see the writing on the wall all that time ago, her friends were pairing off, finding love and getting married but it didn’t happen for her. So 12 years ago she joined an online dating site and whilst it has been fun, she is now 40 dates down the track, having spoken to and emailed hundreds, has tried at least 10 different sites, spent hundreds if not thousands of pounds on subscription fees but love has still eluded her.

Say’s Jo – ‘‘In many ways, internet dating is a great way to meet people, but it’s such a whirlwind of highs and lows,’

She continues ‘I’ve met some lovely men, but I’ve also met many who lied about themselves and their intentions.’

Sadly her experiences are mirrored by many women of all ages, who find that internet dating is great if you want a casual fling, but not for anything longer lasting because there are so many dishonest men seeking cheap thrills. And with 7 women online for every man, is that ever going to change? For many men this is like being a child in a sweet shop and they just do not know when to stop in many instances.

Another problem is that women admit that the sheer choice available online has made them too picky when it comes to finding a partner. And that in some instances no one is good enough for them. Today, nine million Britons will log on to look for love and over 16 million are involved in dating activities. But is this a trend that could change the very nature of romance and turn long-term commitment into a thing of the past?

Is the internet destroying monogamy?

Well maybe and is it time that people looked for an alternative?

At Searchmate, we have access to the largest privately owned data base of personal introductions clients in the UK, real clients that we have checked out and vetted, not just a potentially inaccurate profile on a site that has made no background checks whatsoever.

The Searchmate difference, is that our whole process is facilitated by a human expert, who is working on your behalf to find that perfect match and in terms of cost, not that much more expensive than you would pay online too.

Could high quality personal introductions be that viable alternative to online dating for you?

And Searchmate be the answer?

Here’s the article if you’d like to read it, in its entirety.

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