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‘No strings sex’ – the online dating experience

on dating no strings sex

In want of a coffee break this morning after finishing interview notes from a really nice man who popped into our Midlands office, (he was quite local, living near Warwick), I happened to catch an article on ITV’s This Morning – Monica Porter was discussing her new book ‘Raven’ that describes her numerous sexual exploits of ‘no strings sex’ through meeting men on online dating websites. Clearly this was a woman happy to discuss what for many would be a private matter, no doubt to promote the sales of her new book.

Not surprisingly, her book has caused some interest in the press as it describes numerous sexual encounters between this lady of 60 and a string of much younger men looking for sex on online dating websites. Listening to her, I felt there seemed to be a suggestion that she should in some way be applauded for all these speedily carved notches on her bedpost…times have certainly changed!

Actually she did say that she has now removed all her online profiles and it was something she couldn’t keep doing long term – merely a means of getting something out of her system after feelings of rejection following the breakdown of a very long term relationship

More worryingly, she mentioned that some encounters did not feel safe and that some ‘verged on dangerous’, recalling one man putting his hands round her throat during sex.

For us the story merely confirms what we hear from so many new clients. They have sometimes tried online dating first before coming to us but found that it is not the place to find a suitable long term partner. It is not merely that there seemed to be on all the mainstream online dating websites, a very broad and indiscriminate range of people, but also that many using the sites are there for a forum through which casual sex can be easily obtained.

Online dating can work for those who are looking for lots of casual partners but those who choose to join a quality personal introductions agency such as Searchmate are invariably looking for something a lot more special.

If you would like to find someone for a real relationship that has the potential to last, speak to us today.

If you would like to read more about Monica and her experiences, here is a link to a Daily Mail article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2585144/The-sex-wasnt-safe-60-year-old-recently-revealed-toyboy-exploits-quit-online-dating-influx-offers-eligible-age-appropriate-men.html#ixzz2wWIBbXiK

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