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Online dating fraud in the headlines

online dating worries

Saturday’s Daily Mail featured yet another news story of a man in court for dating fraud who had used a major online dating website to find his victims. It is happening so often and this time, six women and £43,000 taken. For many of the women involved the financial loss will be difficult to recover from but this sort of fraud also causes significant emotional harm too. Those involved are left not only with financial problems to resolve but also wondering if they can ever trust anyone again.

If this has not happened to you, perhaps the victims seem very gullible and you may think, surely you would have a degree of common sense that protects you. But almost every day we speak to someone who has been a victim of this kind of fraud and these are intelligent people who are ordinarily quite level headed. I suspect that most people hurt in this way do not report this. Could you imagine a head teacher wanting to tell the world they have been a victim of a dating scam? It seems that when looking for love, as we want it to be true, somehow we allow ourselves to ignore all those little niggles and questions that should be crashing alarm bells.

Rising divorce rates and the fact that for many of us there are many years of active life ahead of us after divorce, mean that there are more unattached people over 35 looking for a new partner than ever before. Internet dating may be a cheap option but is it cheerful?

If you are wanting casual dates and a forum to interact with a very wide mix of people, internet dating could be for you. If you are ready to find someone special with whom you would like to have a lasting new relationship, then perhaps a traditional, upmarket introductions agency such as Searchmate could be a far better option for you.

Every one of our members is ID verified and personally interviewed. You can be sure that they are who they say they are. We offer introductions one at a time and have a code of conduct to reassure members that they should be treated at all times with courtesy and respect. Perhaps this is a little old fashioned when compared to online dating but it is perhaps, why we are seeing so many new members wanting a secure way in which to meet others and to have the support of a personal matchmaker to ease their way along this very important and exciting journey to find a new Soulmate.

If you would like to read the Daily Mail article, click on this link

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2561368/Conman-used-Plenty-Fish-dating-website-convince-women-Euromillions-winner-stealing-43-000-them.html Please feel welcome to call us at no obligation if you would like to discuss how we might help you find a truly wonderful new partner.

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