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Online dating scammer jailed

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The Daily Mail reported recently the story of a con artist who found that the world of UK online dating offers him a very easy means of duping and exploiting single women. This time it’s the story of a gambling addict in Birmingham who drove one of his targets into bankruptcy, leaving her struggling to cope with high interest payments after stealing her identity to set up loans.

By approaching women on the online dating website Plenty of Fish he managed to gain their trust in order to obtain their bank account details which he then used to apply for loans. He asked his targets to forward money that came into their accounts on to him -not asking them for money but for a favour, but of course they did not realise they were becoming just one of his string of victims and part of a very costly scam. He had already been arrested before going on, through the very same online dating website, to exploit two more women in the same way.

Of course some of those commenting on the story wonder how women can let themselves be duped, yet we see these cases reported all the time and they serve to demonstrate how vulnerable anyone of us can be when we are looking for love and how unregulated and uncontrolled dating is online.

And it isn’t just women falling for these tricks. Men too have been targeted through on line dating sites where it is just too easy to be whoever you wish to be. On line dating seems a con artist’s paradise with still no checks on those using these sites despite numerous cases such as this one hitting the headlines. If you would like to read the full article in the Daily Mail here’s the link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2478206/Love-rat-took-payday-loans-names-women-met-online.html

Be assured that everyone who uses our high quality introductory services is personally interviewed and those who book onto our singles events through our sister website www.whenthemusicstops.co.uk needs to give their identity details when booking. Our events are always supervised to provide you with a safer, fun and genuine alternative to online dating.

We have helped bring thousands of couples together over the years and we are hearing that more and more singles prefer our straightforward face to face way of meeting prospective partners.

We advise everyone to take care when dating, especially when meeting those you have never met over the internet.

And remember, if it doesn’t feel quite right to you, it almost certainly isn’t.

Let’s be careful out there!

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