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Online Dating Scams Are Booming

Online dating fraud

Great News for the UK’s Crime Rate – Apart from Online Dating Fraud

There was some really good news about the UK’s crime rate this week, with the Government’s Office of National statistics reporting a 9% fall in recorded crime in the year to March 2012.

All crime fell to 9% and recorded crime to 7%, the lowest level for 32 years and since records began in 1981, which is a remarkable achievement considering we now have 4,500 fewer Police Officers but the worrying area was fraud which actually increased by 27% inside the overall statistics, with Online Dating fraud proving to be one of the most significant areas of all according to journalist Martin Robinson in the Daily Mail.

He reports that dating scams, where vulnerable people looking for love have been ripped off, has helped fraud surge by 27 per cent in the past year, according to the Government’s crime figures released this week. Experts have warned that more criminals are using websites to spark romances with strangers and then ask them for money, which is an extremely worrying trend if you’re single.

There is currently no requirement in the UK whatsoever for any sort of background checks on people joining dating sites or personal introductions services, which makes you realise just how powerful being a member of Searchmate can actually be, where every member is ID checked and verified prior to their membership beginning. But shouldn’t these ID checks now be compulsory and part of law? Without a doubt people are vulnerable in this area and in my view tougher regulation of the industry is needed.

Dating is a boom area but online fraud is increasing too, the total worldwide figure for dating scams last year was $65,000,000. And that is the figure that was actually reported, it doesn’t include the people who didn’t report the crime due to embarrassment or those who nipped it in the bud before a crime occurred.

The moral of the story has to be – use a reputable dating service, it may cost a little more but why put your future happiness at risk by mixing with the wrong types potentially.

To hear more about the Searchmate service and the background checks we make, phone us for free on 0800 466 4160.

It’s better to be safe than sorry! Read the Daily Mail article by Martin Robinson by clicking here.

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