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Sometimes it doesn’t go well…

Is online dating killing long term romance?

Well sadly not every introduction works perfectly, even with our careful approach to matchmaking. Sometimes luck is just not on your side.

For example, one of our ladies arrived for a first date having been sitting far too close to a poorly babe in arms on the tube and was less than immaculate on arrival in consequence. Another of our clients missed his exit on a short stretch of motorway only to find no other exit for 15 miles and with a sat nav that gave up the will to live shortly afterwards. We’ve also heard ‘let’s meet up for a walk with our dogs’ as a promising plan, just to find the hounds were far less attracted to each other than the couple were – that date had to be abandoned!

It will always help you to have a little tolerance and humour and to remember that although this certainly isn’t a job interview, it’s still a good idea to allow plenty of time to be there at the arranged time.

Here’s five quick tips of what NOT TO DO if you want to have the best chance of success on that first date –

  1. Wear whatever you happen to have on after that ten mile jog or afternoon of heavy gardening.
  2. Talk about your ex and just how wonderful or awful they were. It’s never a good topic.
  3. Spilt the bill, ‘saying well of course you had the most expressive pudding so allowing 75p there…’
  4. Talk about yourself all the time or alternatively, fire a stream of questions at your date.
  5. Turn up over ten minutes late without sending an apologetic text.

Be assured that our experienced matchmakers have heard all sorts of feedback, good and bad, and we are always on hand to talk through dating dilemmas with our members in complete confidence, if we can be of any help.

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