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The Great British Date: UK Singles Willing To Spend More On Romance Than Most Europeans

UK Singles

Forget everything you’ve heard about the great romantic trysts of our French and Italian neighbours; the truth is, UK singles are willing to spend more on romance than most Europeans. While a French couple spends an average of £46.00 on an evening of love and merriment, and an Italian couple stretches to an average of £47.00, Brits are happy to spend an average of £129.00. According to new research compiled by the Centre for Economics & Business Research British singles spend more than double the amount their European counterparts would expect to part with in the name of love.

With singles taking an ever more proactive approach to finding a mate, gone are the days when people would sit at home hoping a new partner might miraculously appear. Safe and exclusive dating agencies like Searchmate offer UK daters an exciting, new way to meet people and enjoy a fantastic social life. As a result, dating contributes £5.89bn to the UK economy every year, and that figure is set to grow.

Within the food, drink and entertainment sector, the total date-related national spend in the UK last year was £2,800,000,000. Add to that an increase of £153 million over the last year in expenditure on eating-in during a date and you start to get the picture in terms of how seriously British singles have begun to take good old-fashioned courtship.

As recently as five years ago, many couples were still stumbling into relationships, bypassing the sweet and butter-fly inducing first dates that are now enjoying such a renaissance. Due to popular TV shows such as Channel 4’s First Dates people are realising the value of investing time and money in meeting a potential, new partner.

At Searchmate, our Personal Matchmakers love to hear the excitement in a client’s voice when a date has gone so well it almost feels like a fairy-tale. Our values are now being shared across the nation: genuine people, who are looking for authentic, loving relationships, are taking the time to get to know each other. We pride ourselves in being a traditional agency with a contemporary feel; very much in keeping with these exciting new attitudes to dating.

So whilst the CEBR’s figures are great news for the economy, they’re also great news for the quality of the relationships single people in the UK are ready to share.

If you would like to learn more about finding love with Searchmate, please call us for an informal chat on :

0333 253 2540

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