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Why Are There So Many Singles In The UK Now?

Why Are There So Many Singles In The UK Now?

There were some statistics recently released by the Office for National Statistics that have proven to be quite compelling. The data that has been released has shown that there are some 51% of people in England and Wales who are currently single. So what does this mean?

Does it mean that there are not many eligible people out there for dating? It’s important to look at this data and see what it means for dating and modern culture. There is now a tendency in modern Western culture to place a lot of emphasis on being single. It’s a sign of independence and also shows that you can feel happy and fulfilled on your own.

You need to feel happy with yourself as a person and your life before you can begin looking for a new partner. If you are looking for a partner “to be happy” then it’s not going to end very well for you or the person you’re dating. You need to already have those things in place. What a partner should mean for you is a way of adding to your life.

If you want a partner then it should be because you want to share your life with someone, you want to be with another amazing person who helps make your life feel more whole, rather than as some quick fix to your problems. If you are someone who already feels happy with life but would love an amazing person to share it with then now is the time to end being single.

Despite this compelling statistic there are plenty of people who want to share their life with someone. The key is looking for the right people in the right places and if you want some help with this then it may be time to try matchmaking.

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