Introduction: The Mystery and Magic of Love Love is that inexplicable feeling which has inspired countless poets, songwriters, and artists throughout human history. Love seems to be something fundamental to human fulfilment, whether that be romantic love or the love we have for those that are close to us such as dear family and friends. Today we...
read moreMany stereotypes exist about the differing needs of men and women in a relationship. It might surprise you to know that both genders are seeking many of the same qualities on their journey to find long-lasting love. Let us explain: Communication and Empathy Men value honest communication in a relationship. Without an honest and open approach,...
Personal Matchmaking vs Online Dating/Dating Apps We are often asked how working with a Personal Matchmaker differs from dating online or via a smartphone app. So we felt it would be worthwhile to have a closer look at that subject as many people, particularly those under 45,, have grown up with internet-based dating and may not even realise...
So Many Choices It Can Be Confusing If you are looking for a new partner then there is a multitude of choices around which way you could go about it and if you’re newly into dating after a long relationship or marriage, then dating has changed so much that you may not recognise it from how it used to be in days gone by, when you were young and...
We get asked the question “What does a Matchmaker cost” on many occasions – usually at least a few times a week and it probably comes about from the fact that in the early days of internet based dating and dating apps, it was a free service and they made their profits advertising rather than by charging for the service. So people maybe got used...
Many people ask this question, probably because of the onslaught of online dating and dating apps, they don’t realise that there is actually an alternative. But the truth is that Dating Agencies have been around for centuries not just a couple of decades like their online competitors. With the first, known as a matrimonial bureau in those days,...
A Multitude of Choices These days when there are so many different ways of meeting a new partner, consumers are actually spoiled for choice and as online dating has declined in terms of the number of participants over the last decade or so, other forms of dating have expanded to fill the void. Here we examine some of the choices that are out...