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News and Information

How Men and Women Approach Dating Differently

How Men and Women Approach Dating Differently Traditionally, men have been portrayed as the pursuers in the dating game. Often, initial attraction plays a significant role in a man's interest. This isn't to say that deeper connections aren't valued, but physical chemistry can be a strong initial draw. Men frequently approach challenges,...

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5 Reasons Why You Might Be In The Wrong Relationship

5 Reasons Why You Might Be In The Wrong Relationship Are you currently in a relationship for the right reasons or the wrong ones? When a relationship is new we are often prone to overlooking issues and the other persons faults in the hope that over time things will improve and become more acceptable. Obviously that rarely happens. Here we look...

Is it safe to date online?

Is it safe to date online? Is it safe to date online? Is it safe to date online? If I had £1 for every time I have been asked this question I would be extremely wealthy. In the week where yet again a man in the UK has been jailed for life for a crime relating to online dating. This time the murder of an innocent lady on the website Plenty of...

Finding compatibility when dating

Finding compatibility when dating Finding Compatibility When Dating If you’re single and looking, then part of the fun for many of us, is going out on dates and meeting new people – it’s a brilliant opportunity and part of the pleasure and benefits of being single. But finding compatibility when dating is important too, we want your dates to be...

Does He Love Me? Does He Not?

Does he love me, does he not? Does he love me? Does he not? What are those killer signs that a man is falling in love within a relationship? What does he do and what does he begin to do differently, if this is the real thing and he is falling for you? Here at Searchmate we take an in depth look at does he love me? Does he not? And those little...

Dating in the spring

Searchmate - dating in the spring. Dating in the Spring At last April has arrived and with it thoughts of dating in the spring! With the clocks going forward and the lighter evenings arriving we are all feeling a little more optimistic. If you are single you may find your thoughts turning to the possibility of finding a soul mate but how do you...

Ten things men do on a date that women hate

No Valentine's Card This Year? TEN THINGS MEN DO ON A DATE THAT WOMEN HATE They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and that is never more apparent than when planning a first date. Most experts would agree that planning how the date is going to be spent and largely sticking to that, is a more sure fire way to achieve a successful...

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